মঙ্গলবার, ৪ঠা মার্চ, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ১৯শে ফাল্গুন, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ


Isfahan International Children’s Painting Festival

পোস্ট হয়েছে: জানুয়ারি ২৯, ২০২২ 


1. Summary
We all are living in cities that are home to culture, art and science. Wandering around our city, we can see things that are enjoyable for us, and the memories come flooding back while we
see them. All of us love the city where we live and wish our own city had a special thing or
character. Draw us your city, the city in which you live. 2. Applicant Requirements
Children from 4 to 18 years old. 3. Theme
“My City, The City of Life” 4. Artwork Requirements
 At least A3- sized white paper must be for artworks.
Note:It is not allowed to use frame and passepartout for the work.  Artworks must be drawings or paintings. Photo collages, digital art, etc. will not be
accepted. There are no other rules about materials.  Each artwork must be made by an individual, not by a group. Note: Avoid visual Clichés and repetition.  Artworks must be flat ones that can be scanned.  Artworks must not infringe on the rights of a third party, such as copyright (including that
for animated characters), trademarks, and the right of publicity.  One applicant can submit one artwork only. 5. Application Procedure
Each applicant should fill out the application form and attached the application materials
including scans of artwork (JPEG or JPG/ 300dpi resolution) as well as the photo of the
child to the Secretariat at www.iicpf.com. a. Deadline Submission
February 19, 2022
6. Schedule
(1) Deadline for submission to the Secretariat: February 19 (Sat.), 2022
(2) Announcement of results: March, 2022
(3) Shipping of prize certificates and commemorative gifts: March to April, 2022
(4) The 1
st Exhibition of the artworks: April, 2022
7. Selection Details
Through careful screening by the Secretariat, one First Prize, one Second Prize and one Third
Prize artworks will be selected in each of Category 1 (4-6 year olds), Category 2 (7-9 year olds), Category 3 (10-12) and Category 4 (13-18). To those prize winners, a certificate and a
commemorative gift will be presented.
8. Notes
The copyright to all artworks submitted to the Secretariat is owned by the Secretariat. It owns
the right to publicize, present, exhibit, print and distribute copies of these artworks without
applicants’ agreement

9. Inquiries
IICPF Secretariat
[email protected]

For more information Please visit the website

[email protected]

Call for Submission