March 4, 2025


F-14 rejoins Iranian air fleet after overhaul

Published: May 25, 2022 


An American-made F-14 tomcat that has been overhauled by Iranian military technical experts at Shahid Babaei Airbase in Isfahan Province, joined the air fleet of Iran Army Air force again on Sunday.

According to Army’s Public Relations Department on Sunday, experts and technical staff at Shahid Babaei Airbase in Isfahan have overhauled a F-14 Tomcat fighter, which had been grounded for several years.

The F-14 fighter jets were bought by the US-backed regime of Shah before the 1979 revolution in Iran.

Speaking at the unveiling ceremony on Sunday, Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi, Commander of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran said this achievement was gained through indigenous knowledge and 39,000 man-hours of constant efforts by Shahid Babaei Airbase military technical experts.

The successfully-overhauled warplane rejoined the Iranian Army air corps after a final test on Sunday. /MNA/