March 14, 2025


Palestine under shadow of new Intifadah with occupation of West Bank

Published: May 17, 2020 


The Zionist Regime’s plans these days to annex parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley and the destruction of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem despite the coronavirus outbreak has caused Palestinian and international circles to warn that such movements will ruin the possibility of peace in the light of the establishment of the Palestinian state.

Israeli regime Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed before the general elections in March that would offer a plan to annex the Jewish settlements in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley in line with US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the settlements.

Some members of Israeli parliament have recently offered bills to legalize the regime’s dominion over these areas that were supported by heads of Jewish settlements councils, asking the Knesset to vote for such plans.

Following such movements, the Foreign Ministry of the Palestinian Authority issued a statement saying it is in talks with different international parties in the United Nations and the Security Council to put pressure on the Zionist Regime to block the movement.

Arif Daraghmeh, a researcher for the region, warned the annexation plan is a political one and is aimed at dominating over the water and agricultural sources of Palestine, urging different institutions not to confine their reactions to condemn but to follow up the issue in the international sphere.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization said that Palestine would bring the case to the International Criminal Court to hold the Zionist Regime accountable for its war crimes in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Occupied Jerusalem.

PLO said that the Israeli Regime is taking advantage of the opportunity made by the coronavirus pandemic when the world is busy dealing with the virus, continuing to expand settlements ignoring the health Palestinians.

PLO warned that the Israeli Regime has issued 22 warnings in the Palestinian areas and continued to destroy their homes in all Palestinian lands and in the Jordan Valley, adding that the ICC’s attorney office has approved Palestinian have the right to bring the case to this court.

Moreover, ambassadors from European Union, Britain, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and Sweden have offered their formal objection to annexation plans to Netanyahu.

127 members of the British Parliament from different parties wrote a letter to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, asking to impose economic sanctions on the Zionist Regime if they tried to implement annexation plans.

United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory Jamie McGoldrick in his recent monthly report asked Israeli officials to stop the destruction of Palestinian homes in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, due to Ramadan month and the coronavirus outbreak.

Taking into consideration the fact that the Zionist Regime has violated any agreement reached in the course of 72 years since the occupation of Palestine and now wants to occupy the West Bank, Palestinians threatened the regime to put all agreements aside.

If the Israeli regime continues its aggressive measures, a new Intifadah by Palestinian people, this time with more international support, is not unlikely, given that the Muslim world is on the verge of the Quds day./   Irna/