March 3, 2025


Iran’s Caves of Karaftu on temporary list of UNESCO

Published: November 17, 2022 


The Caves of Karaftu, situated in the Kordestan province of Iran, have been put on the temporary World Heritage List of UNESCO, a local official said.

The Director General of the Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Department of Kordestan said that the quotas of the countries to inscribe their national properties on UNESCO’s World Heritage List are limited.

That is why Iran’s officials decided to put the Caves of Karaftu on the temporary list of the world body, Yaghoub Guilian noted.

Once a country signs the World Heritage Convention, and has sites inscribed on the World Heritage List, the resulting prestige often helps raise awareness among citizens and governments for heritage preservation, according to

Greater awareness leads to a general rise in the level of protection and conservation given to heritage properties. A country may also receive financial assistance and expert advice from the World Heritage Committee to support activities for the preservation of its sites, the source added.

Studies have shown that the region had been underwater during the Cretaceous period and that the mountains emerged out of the waters during the late part of this geologic period.

The Caves of Karaftu are only accessible via a common entrance found on the southern side of the mountain. On this side, the cliff is said to rise almost vertically, and the entrance to the caves is said to be around 9 m (29 ft.) above the ground.

In times past, the caves could only be reached by using ladders or ropes. Today, there is a long staircase leading up to the entrance. /MNA/