Iran tops the region in food security: minister
Published: October 18, 2022
Iran is the leading country in the region in all health indicators, including food security, Health Minister Bahram Einollahi announced at the World Food Day conference at the Iran University of Medical Sciences.
Last week, we attended the 69th session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean in Cairo, with the presence of 22 health ministers from 22 countries, where opinions were discussed and exchanged, and fortunately, Iran was leading in all health indicators by a long distance compared to other countries, he said.
Many infectious diseases that some countries in this region are involved with, such as tuberculosis and polio, have been almost eradicated in Iran, and in the meeting that was held about food, Iran had the best indicators compared to other countries in the region, he further stated.
For the development of health in society, it is necessary to pay attention to the health of food and air. The coronavirus epidemic showed how damaging a virus can be through air transmission, and in addition, food is a category that its side effects can be well prevented, he explained.
“We have various organizations, of which the Food and Drug Administration is one of the most important with sufficient legal powers and can monitor and follow up on people’s food safety and health,” he noted.
Teaching people a healthy lifestyle and what food to consume, and how much, is very important and prevents many diseases, he highlighted, adding, fortunately, all universities of medical sciences have a food and drug department, which is equipped with advanced and reference laboratories, and monitor and supervise food production in the best way.
Using the capacity of knowledge-based companies is one of our biggest advantages, and these companies should be able to invest and export their products to the country’s food industry.
Iran is able to take the lead in the export of medicine and food; Especially, the increase in exports leads to greater self-sufficiency and encourages people to produce better and more, he emphasized.
Unsafe food causes 200 diseases from mild illnesses to cancers, he further lamented.
Every year, about 600 million people in the world are harmed by contaminated and unsafe food, and this means that one out of every 10 people in the world is harmed by this issue.
He emphasized the important role of food in preventing non-communicable diseases and added that $110 billion are spent annually in the world to treat diseases caused by contaminated food.
World Food Day is observed annually on October 16 to highlight the millions of people worldwide who cannot afford a healthy diet and the need for regular access to nutritious food. The theme for 2022 is “Leave NO ONE behind”.
World Food Day 2022 is being marked in a year with multiple global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, conflict, climate change, rising prices, and international tensions. All of this is affecting global food security.
It should be noted that food, like air and water, is one of the most basic needs of humans and all living creatures, and its role in the prevention and treatment of diseases is undeniable. /T.T/