Iran’s Moeini breaks Asian record in Tashkent competitions
Published: July 24, 2022

Young weightlifter Alireza Moeini from Iran lifted 166kg in the snatch at the 2022 Asian Youth and Junior Championships in Uzbekistan to break the Asian record.
A junior Iranian athlete, Alireza Moeini lifted the 166kg weight in the snatch at the 2022 Asian Youth and Junior Championships in Uzbekistan to win a gold medal for Iran and break the Asian record in the youth category.
The 2022 Asian Youth and Junior Championships started in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on July 15.
Another Iranian representative Ali Keshtkar won a bronze medal after he successfully lifted the 175, 182 and 186 kg weights to win the bronze medal in the clean and jerk and overall. /MNA/