March 4, 2025


Iranian scientist receives intl. award for water management

Published: May 2, 2022 


Iranian scientist Mohammad Karamouz has been recognized with the 2022 Julian Hinds Award for his original outstanding contribution to environmental science, mainly water resources development and management.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has honored Karamouz, Ph.D., P.E., D.WRE, F.ASCE, with the 2022 Julian Hinds Award for original outstanding contribution in hydrology, hydraulics, irrigation and drainage, planning and management, hydroelectric power and reservoir operation, flood and drought, and climate change over a 36-year period of teaching, research, consulting, and leadership.

Karamouz has had a long and illustrious career in water resources engineering. He was the principal investigator of a $3.8 million international project in hydraulics (flood plain, reservoirs/dams, hydropower), hydrological, and water resources planning in arid and semi-arid regions of the Middle East, including Iran.

He worked at New York University (NYU) as a research professor and the director of an environmental engineering program from 2009 to 2014, initiating a major university collaboration effort after Superstorm Sandy among NYU, Stony Brook, Cornell, Columbia, and City College that became The New York State Resilience Institute for Storms and Emergencies (NYS RISE).

Karamouz has contributed to the water field in three very significant areas of education and capacity building, research, and practical applications. He is one of those rare individuals who have bridged the gap between academics and practice in arid and semi-arid regions of the U.S. and the Middle East.

Karamouz served as the key figure in founding and maintaining the first Ph.D. program in water resources management in Iran.

The Julian Hinds Award is given to recognize the author or authors of that paper judged to make the most meritorious contribution to the field of water resources development. The award may also be made to an individual for notable performance, long years of distinguished service, or specific actions that advance engineering in the field of planning, development, and management of water resources./T.T/