Statement by the Center for Interreligious and Inter cultural Dialogue, Islamic Culture and Relations Organization in condemnation of US president’s manipulative use of Holy Book
Published: June 7, 2020
In the Name of God
In today’s world and at a time when humanity is suffering from unbridled insanity prevailing among social relations as well as discrimination, violence and the imposition of racist and unlawful policies, more than ever there is a need to invoke religious teachings. The Messengers of God including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (PBUT) along the irrighteous followers, made every effort to prevail justice, love, brotherhood, sustainable peace and security and human salvation.
However, today it is, however, regrettable to witness that religious teachings are either ignored or taken advantage of in order to give legitimacy to extremist, racist and inhumane actions which have eventually led to chaos in human societies, to violations of human rights and have placed them against each other.
Aracist and heinous murder sadly took place in America a few days ago and was observed by the people around the world. We expected the US leaders to unequivocally condemn this inhumane act but not only did the US President not apologize and condemn it but also went on to use the Holy Bible as justification for the violence he and his troops used.
In the past decades, there were terrorist groups who justified their actions with reference to religious scriptures, but now we see the head of a state has used the Holy Bible as a justification for his crimes.
It is our conviction that it falls upon the church officials and leaders of other Abrahamic religions as well as all humans to denounce this ill exploitation and do not allow any group, state or individual to take advantage of the Holy Book.
It is hoped that US leaders would put an end to their divisive actions and would not take advantage of religious teachings but instead listen to people’s rightful demands. It is our hope that they do not impose pressure and discrimination and do not use the Holy Book as an excuse for their continued oppression.
Looking forward to expanding the culture of compassion and friendship.
Center for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue
June 2020