March 12, 2025


5th Biruni Interdisciplinary World Congress

Published: October 27, 2019 


On the Occasion of the Commemoration of Millennium Demise Anniversary of Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni-

(20-21January, 2020)

Organiser: Abu RayhanBiruni Foundation (ARBF), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Title: Iran’s influence on the world:

  • Biruni as a perpetual figure in the history of the creation and spread of scientific, philosophical, literary, cultural, historical and social thought.
  • Iran-world relations: Special reference to the history, culture, language, literature and architecture.
  • Side program: Visit to the Old Town – Sonargoan,the capital city of Sultan GhiyathoddinAzam Shah (1389 – 1410 AD) and the tomb of the Sultan as well as a literary and cultural sessions (Poetry recitation, Ghazal and Kawwali)

Venue:University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


Important dates:

Date                :       20-21 January 2020

Reminder:      Please send your Abstractsand papers in Persian to[email protected] and copy it to [email protected]

And send your English Abstracts and Papers to [email protected]

Deadline for Submission:

Abstracts    :        till 30 October 2019

Acceptance :         by 1st November 2019

Papers        :        till 25 December 2019

Acceptance &Invitation    : will begin from 1stNovember 2019

Registration                  : till 15th January, Registration form will be sent with the invitation letter and it will also be available with the conference site

Language                               : Persian, English and Bengali [Persian abstract should be accompanied by English translation]


Publication: ***All good quality research papers will be published using ISBN as ‘BiruniMillennium Commemoration Volumes – 2019, after reviewing and editing by the members of an expert panel and editorial board.

Programme                     : Programme will appear at the site of the conference by 15th of January 2020.


Conference Experts’ Panel:

  • Ali AsgharRostamiAbousaidi, Ex. Chancellor, Payame Noor University, Professor, ShahidBahonar University, Kerman, Advisor and Head of the Central Board of Trustees and Recruitment at the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran.
  • Bruce Lawrence, Emeritus Professor, Duke University, an internationally renowned al-Biruniand Islamic studies scholar, USA, author of ‘Who isAllah’.
  • Gholam Ali Haddad Adel, Professor of Philosophy Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Tehran, Deputy Minister for Education, member of the Board of Trustees of Encyclopedia of Islam and Director of the Encyclopedia of the Islamic world Foundation, representing the people of Tehran and Speaker of the Parliament, President of the Academy of Persian Language and Literature And the president of the Saadi Foundation.
  • GholamrezaRezaei, Chancellor, Sistan and Baluchistan University, Zahedan, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • MousaBohlouli, Chancellor, University of Zabool, Islamic Republic of Iran.
    Dr. Abdul Mumin Chowdhury, Ex- Vice Chancellor, National University, Bangladesh; Professor of History, University of Dhaka
  • Sadiq R. Malik, Ex. Professor and Chief Radiation Onc. Physicist, USA; Worked as aMOON ROCK INVESTIGATOR of NASA, as an European Scientist on Radiation Effects on MOONand a Cancer Specialist in USA; Ex. President, Bangladesh Med. Phy. Assoc.
  • Abdul Latif Samian, an Internationally renowned Al-Biruni Scholar, Professor, Principal Research Fellow,  The National University of Malaysia.
  • Gen. (Retd) Zameer Uddin Shah,Former Chancellor, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.
v  Dr. IteshSachdev, Department of Linguistics, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, Emeritus Professor of Language and Communication.
  • Hans Harder, Professor of South Asian Languages and Literature (Modern Indology), South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University, Germany
  • Victor Shaw, Professor of Sociology, California State University – Northridge, USA.
  • Yang Lee, Professor of Pcycology, Yale University, USA, and Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.
  • Hassan Karimian, Ex. Deputy Dean of Research, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran
    Dr. ShahidaRafique, Chairman, Institute of Science and Technology (IST); Professor [Rt.] and Former Dean, Faculty of Engineering, Dhaka University
  • Hosne Ara Begum, Professor and Ashoka Fellow, a scientist, educationist and founder of TMSS
  • Maryam KhaliliJahantigh, Dean of the Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, SistanBaluchistan University, Zahedan, Iran.
  • GolamrezaPiroz, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Iran
  • Alireza Taheri, Dean, Faculty of Art and architecture, Sistan Baluchistan University, Zahedan, Iran
  • Seyyed Ahmad Reza Khazri, Professor, Department of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, University of Tehran, Chairman of the Board of Iranian Association of Islamic History.
  • GyunYeol Park, Professor of Ethics Education, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.
  • Mansour GhaffariMoghaddam, Dean of Faculty of Science, University of Zabool, Iran
  • Mohsen Masoumi, Faculty Member of Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Tehran, Board of Directors of Iranian Association of Islamic History.
  • Md. Hasanuzzaman, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka
  • Dr, A. M. Sarwaruddin Chowdhury, Professor, Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Dhaka.
  • Barrister M. A. Malik, Advocate, London High Court, UK.
  • FaridGhassemlou, Encyclopedia of Islamic World, Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences, Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Kazutoshi Kudo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • ShakilaYacob, International Institute of Public Policy and Management, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Liqi Zhu, CSI, Key Laboratory of Behavioral Sciences, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  • KulsoomAbul Bashar, Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Dhaka
  • Alan S. Weber, Associate Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar.
  • KazemKahdouei, Associate Professor, Department of Persian Literature, University of Yazd, Iran; Visiting Professor, University of Dhaka.
  • MortazaMohseni, Associate Professor. Department of Persian language and Literature, University of Mazandaran.
  • KazemKahdouei, Associate Professor, Department of Persian Literature, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran; Visiting Professor, University of Dhaka.

v  Dr. Amelia Carolina Sparavigna, Assistant Professor at DISAT – DipartimentoScienzaApplicata e Tecnologia, Politecnico di Torino, Italy.