Iran Cultural Centre arranges discussion on Eid-e-Miladunnabi
Published: November 22, 2018

On the occasion of Holy Eid-e-Miladunnabi (S.A.W.) and Islamic Unity Week (12-17 Rabiul Awwal) Iran Cultural Centre, Dhaka organized a discussion and Milad Mahfil on ‘The Great Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw): The Prophet of Blessing, Peace and Friendship’ on Wednesday, 21st November 2018, 4 p.m. at auditorium 71 of Daffodil International University (Daffodil Tower, 4/2 Sobhanbagh, Mirpur Road, Dhanmondi).
Professor Dr. ANM Meshquat Uddin, Vice Chancellor, Southeast University, Dhaka was present as chief guest whileMr. Mahdi Torabi Mehrabani, Political Attaché, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Bangladesh was present as special guest.Mr. Abdul Quddus Badsha, eminent Islamic researcher spoke on this occasion.
Dr. Abdullah Al-Maruf, Associate Professor, Dept. of Arabic, University of Dhaka & Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the OIC International Islamic Fiqh Academy, presided over the program.
Students of Al-Mustafa International University (Bangladesh Branch) presented group Naat and solo performance was done by singer Shah Nawaz Tabib, Mehedi Hasan and Ali Mohammad Mehedi Hossain.